Kay Sanders

Divine Messenger, Celestial Healer, Multidimensional Channel, Akashic Record Guide & Light Language Activator


I started my spiritual awakening journey back in 2016, and since my initial awakening, I had to heal deeply, uncover what had been holding me back from fully stepping into my power and embracing my gifts, my souls highest path, and my highest calling.

Through my inner healing journey I was guided to learn to read the Akashic Records, discover and develop my gift of channeling light language, and even channeling light beings and even Galactic beings.

I uncovered my connection to old Atlantis, the Dragons, and other Galactic Races that I then build a deep connection with.

Now I get to use my beautiful gifts and help awakening souls on their journey of self discovery, inner healing, and stepping into their inner power as they embrace their souls highest path for this lifetime.

My unique approach to healing deeply is that I fully surrender to my guides guidance, tuning into the frequencies, and letting the light codes, the guidance, that is to my clients highest good, flow through me and be expressed through me.

Through the guidance I receive, and am able to share with clients, we can quickly uncover what is at the root of things, what is the real reason behind why they are not yet living the life they would love to be living, experiencing the freedom, the happiness, the abundance, and the fulfillment they want to be experiencing.

Guidance is only one piece to the puzzle, the deep inner healing will set them free from all the blocks, the limitations, and energetic interferences that have been running in the background holding my clients back from living their best life yet.

But that is not all. After the healing, I also get to assist my clients through the powerful activations’ that will activate them at the deepest level, their DNA, and imprint new codex’s within them so they CAN move forward, create the live of their dreams, experience immense abundance, joy, happiness, fulfillment and most of all the freedom to express themselves in any way they like and feel called to.

It was through my own journey of inner healing and awakening that I developed the understanding, the gifts, and the abilities to truly assist clients in a profound and life transformative way that often leaves me in such deep gratitude as I get to experience my clients life changing before their eyes.


Copyright © 2023 Kay Sanders Coaching. All rights reserved.

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