Your Year Ahead Akashic Record Reading



The Your Year Ahead Akashic Record Reading will provide you clear guidance and insights into your year ahead, covering the next 12 months from the time you purchased the reading.

Within this reading you will gain insights into the most important things for you to know about the overall theme for the coming 12 months, what core lessons you will be focusing on learning, how to stay in alignment with your Life Path, as well as what might be holding you back from fully stepping into your power and following your souls path moving forward.

If you have ever wondered what life has in store for you, then this powerful Akashic Record Reading will give you the insights and clarity to move forward and stay in alignment with who you are at soul level, what your soul has come here to do, and most importantly, to stay in alignment with your souls blueprint to create the best life you have yet allowed yourself to truly live.

This Your Year Ahead Akashic Record Reading is a combination of a 15 question Akashic Record Reading, and a 60-minute session. (See details below)




Hear What Happy Clients Say About The Your Year Ahead Akashic Reading:

I met Kay when I asked for an Akashic Record Reading early in 2022. I found the reading accurate, thought provoking and challenging – all at once. How did I know it was accurate? I felt it in my core, at a soul level. Why was it thought provoking? Because it was what I needed to hear and had run away from for a long time. Why was it challenging? While lovingly written, it challenged me to confront my fears so my quest for a soul infused life could come to fruition. My soul wanted to be heard and Kay was the instrument to help me hear it better.

Skip ahead a few months and I started working with Kay as my “human guide”. With her kindness and genuine interest in my development, I’ve grown on a soul level, cleared long-held issues and am feeling stronger within myself. Skip head again to November of 2022 and I received another Akashic Record Reading but this time for my year ahead. I’m a curious person and like readings; however, I’m not into being told what will happen in the next month, two months, six months, etc. In all honesty, it stresses me out too much to focus on a timeline.

“Your Year Ahead” gave me issues to look at and things to look forward to – if I choose and if I want to move forward - without date and time constraints. The reading was accurate as it resonated deep within my soul. I now have parameters to guide me along my path and the encouragement to know that what I have to share with the world is important and needed. Thanks Kay!

Cathy K.

I have been working with Kay Sanders for three years as my life coach and spiritual conduit. She and her guides have taken me to my awakening and each issue I've experienced. She is astute and blessed with gifts she lovingly shares. Kay listens on multiple dimensions and interprets areas or blockages that keeps me stuck from realizing my highest good and greatest joy. With an open heart I read my Your Year Ahead Akashic record reading Kay divined for me. I learned about the year ahead and other areas of my life path that surprise me.

The experience was mind blowing. I was very receptive to the guidance that I learned. It reinforced areas that I need to focus on and other areas that were brought to my attention. I look forward to getting another 2024 reading. I will use my time this year with the records highlighting areas that I'd like to focus on. The information was very helpful in so many ways. As I continue my work with the aid of Kay and her guides and Spirit, I look forward to loving myself first and sharing wisdom that I have learned along my way. Thanks to you Kay I have become a better person which is my daily affirmation I appreciate you respect you and I'm in awe of your abilities and your big heart willing to love all.

Elaine R.

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