Unleash Your Soul's Infinite Wisdom

Awaken YOUR Intuition and Transform Your Life with the Akashic Records!

Discover Profound Insights, Deep Healing, and Empowerment Within the Sacred Library of Your Soul.

Experience Transformative Inner Healing & Release
Unleash Your Intuition. Gain Profound Insights & Guidance 
Empower Your Soul's Journey Through Self-Discovery & Insights

Are You Ready To Embark On A Journey Of Self-Discovery And Empowerment?

Working with the Akashic Records is the key to unlocking your intuition, healing deeply, and gaining profound insights into your past, present, and future, even exploring the origins of your soul.

Within the sacred Akashic Records, the library of your soul, lies a wealth of knowledge waiting to be revealed.

Imagine having access to answers for your most burning questions, a transformative tool for deep inner healing, and a way to elevate your intuitive and healing abilities along your soul's path.

Once you've learned to work with the Akashic Records, you'll possess a powerful tool to connect with your unique soul's blueprint. Uncover the best path for your life and the impact you are destined to make. Feel empowered and certain as you access your own Akashic Records for guidance, gaining clarity on what holds you back and understanding your soul's purpose.

Picture a clear path to creating your best life, free from the obstacles that have held you back for too long.

The Akashic Records will be able to help you in overcoming deeply rooted blocks, allowing you to heal and release them once and for all. Rewrite your records, and break free from the vicious cycle of challenges, hardship, fear, and doubt.

But that's not all - the Akashic Records hold even more treasures. With advanced techniques, you can explore the deeper aspects of your being and purpose.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity to tap into the boundless potential of your soul.

Tap into the transformative power of the Akashic Records to awaken your intuition and embark on an incredible journey of growth, healing, and empowerment as you uncover the essence of your soul. Your journey to a more fulfilling life starts here!

Unlock the Limitless Possibilities of the Akashic Records!

Within the Akashic Records, your souls library of all lifetimes, lies the endless knowledge of your soul's journey through all lifetimes. Imagine gaining access to this vast library, discovering profound insights about your past, present, and even your future.

Have you ever felt stuck in life, unsure of your purpose or how to move forward? Do financial struggles keep you from experiencing the abundance and freedom you desire?

Perhaps you yearn for a deeper understanding of your true potential but feel held back by fears and doubts that keep you feeling trapped.

We all face invisible barriers that influence our actions and shape our lives. But with the Akashic Records, all of that can change. You will always have a reliable source for answers, insights, and guidance, providing clarity on your journey.

Here's how the Akashic Records can positively impact your life:

Answers at Your Fingertips: Your Akashic Records hold the answers to all your questions, ensuring you are never left in the dark.
Discover Your Soul's Purpose: Uncover your soul's mission and receive a roadmap to living a purposeful life.
Deep Self-Knowledge: Explore your soul's origin, past lives, and hidden gifts, reconnecting with your true self.
Healing and Transformation: Use the Akashic Records to heal soul contracts, ancestral ties, and painful experiences, setting yourself free from negative influences.
Elevate Your Consciousness: Develop intuition and channeling abilities, connecting with higher beings and ascended masters.

And so much more awaits when you embrace the infinite possibilities of the Akashic Records.

Imagine a life free from hardship, emotional roller coasters, and frustration. You become the alchemist of your own destiny, transmuting anything that holds you back, and creating the life you've always dreamed of.

Are you ready to step into your power, create life on your terms, and unleash your full potential?

The Akashic Records offer endless possibilities. Don't miss the chance to transform your life in ways you never thought possible. Embrace the Akashic Records and discover the magic they hold.

Unleash Your Inner Alchemist And
Transform Your Life with the Akashic Records!

As you master the art of working with the Akashic Records, you will become the architect of your destiny. You'll be able to transmute any obstacles, shedding limiting beliefs, past traumas, and anything else weighing you down. 

Embrace your true potential and watch yourself soar to heights you never imagined.

Working with the Akashic Records gives you the power to change your life in ways beyond your wildest dreams. The profound healing capabilities of the Akashic Records are just the beginning. 

They offer you a profound journey of self-discovery, revealing the depths of your being, leaving you in awe of your own souls beauty and strength.

Have you ever felt lost, facing unanswered questions or yearning for greater possibilities? Are invisible barriers holding you back from creating the life you desire?

The Akashic Records hold the key to all the answers you seek, empowering you to transform your life and become the master of your destiny.

Imagine creating a life tailored to your every desire. With the Akashic Records as your guide, this dream becomes a reality. Embrace the power of the Akashic Records and manifest the life you've always envisioned, and even better than you could have imagined.

Take control of your destiny today. Unlock the power of the Akashic Records, and set yourself on a journey of empowerment and transformation. Design your life on your terms, in just the way YOU want to live it, and even better!

introducing The

This exhilarating journey will equip you with the profound knowledge of working with your own Akashic Records, the sacred oracle of your soul. Get ready to unlock a world of guidance, insights, and healing that will change your life in ways beyond your imagination.

Throughout the program, you will learn:

Mastering Accessing Your Akashic Records: Easily access your personal Akashic Records, becoming adept at receiving guidance and insights.
Self-Discovery: Dive deep into your soul's origin, uncover your true essence, explore your soul's purpose and mission in this lifetime, and even revisit past lives you've experienced.
Self-Healing: Utilize the Akashic Records as a powerful self-healing tool. Release the burdens of your inner child, embrace your shadow self, address karmic imprints, heal soul contracts, ancestral patterns, past life experiences, and dissolve any other energetic blocks keeping you from living your best life.
Galactic Exploration: Journey into the Galactic Records and uncover the mysteries of your starseed origin, discovering the cosmic aspects of your being.
Advanced Manifestation: Learn advanced techniques to work with the Akashic Records, rewriting the fabric of your soul to effortlessly manifest and attract your desires, paving the way for a more fulfilling life.
Meeting the Masters: You'll have the incredible opportunity to enter the Halls of Amenti. Here, you can connect with the masters and be assigned a guiding master to support you on your path, should you desire their guidance.
And so much more...

Throughout this program, you will experience profound transformation, empowering yourself to harness the immense potential within. 

Your soul's wisdom and healing capabilities will come to the forefront, and you'll be well-equipped to create the life you've always dreamed of living.

Embrace the power of the Akashic Records and unleash your inner alchemist, crafting a life of purpose, joy, and abundance.

open yourself up to a whole new experience that will uplift you, your life and all those around you

Here's What You'll Learn In This Powerful Program

Open yourself up to the wonders, the excitement and the inner transformation that will come from mastering the Akashic Records.

Module 1: Getting To Know The Akashic Records

In this eye-opening module, you'll gain profound insights into the Akashic Records and their life-transforming potential. Understand the true nature of the records and how they can bring positive changes to your life.

Discover the essence and significance of the Akashic Records.
Explore the vast possibilities and benefits of working with the records.
Uncover the key ways in which the Akashic Records can empower you to change your life for the better.

Module 2: Initiating Your Journey with the Akashic Records

Get ready to embark on your journey of accessing and working with the Akashic Records. Learn a simple yet powerful step-by-step process to connect with the records and receive crystal-clear guidance.

Receive access and closing prayers to easily enter and exit the Akashic Records.
Master the art of asking the right questions to receive accurate guidance.
Overcome the obstacles presented by your ego in receiving true insights.
Establish a profound connection with the Akashic Record Keepers.

Module 3: Working With The Akashic Records For Self Discovery & Self Healing

This will be the most impactful module of this program as you learn actionable steps and processes of how to WORK with the akashic records, uncovering who you truly are and initiating profound inner healing.

Heal your inner child and embrace your shadow self.
Explore and heal past lives, karma, soul contracts, ancestral ties, and negative patterns that impact your present life.
Activate your inner abundance and release money karma for financial growth.
Unravel your soul's mission and purpose, gaining clarity on your path forward.
Discover the origin of your soul and the essence of your soul's journey.
Learn to use the Akashic Records for future forecasting, empowering your decisions.

Module 4: Advancing Your Mastery with the Akashic Records

Elevate your experience even further with this advanced module, taking your journey to new heights.

Learn an evolved, simplified approach to access and work with the Akashic Records.
Utilize the karmic field to rewrite your history, breaking free from limiting karmic patterns.
Journey into your galactic records, unveiling the mysteries of your starseed origin.
Quantum jump into other dimensions through Akashic Records, accelerating your manifestation abilities.
Access the sacred Halls of Amenti, meeting the masters and receiving a master teacher to guide you on your path.

Become a Certified Akashic Alchemist

This  program is designed to not only deepen your understanding of the Akashic Records but also to empower you to become a certified Akashic Alchemist.

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive an official certification, recognizing your expertise and ability to access and work with the Akashic Records for self-healing, guidance, and personal growth. 

Take that next step towards Unleashing your intuition and transforming your life!

See What These Happy Clients Are Saying About How The Akashic Records Have Changed Their Life...

What an eye-opening and supportive experience.

I know I have doubts and fears about myself and my abilities to achieve my big goals and visions (like many entrepreneurs). By having the reading and conversation with Kay, it was amazing to have those concerns outlined and then a clear way to deal with them. I appreciate not just knowing where and why I get stuck, but also the steps to take to release the doubt and fears and allow my creative ideas and renewed energy to come through. I am even more excited to take my business to the next level and now I feel I won’t get so much in my way.

choose your image

Jen H.

Consulting in my Records has empowered me to make better choices and to see the truth about whom I really am, and to manifest it.

How can I ever thank you Kay for your part in bringing me to the Akashic Records. Everything you said makes sense for what I know about myself and how I have felt my whole life. The reading confirms my life changing direction for my life new spiritual path. I am in the initial phase of writing my book that I had the idea in my mind but your reading assured me its time to start the project. Consulting in my Records has empowered me to make better choices and to see the truth about whom I really am, and to manifest it. There is much to learn from you. I look forward to the journey.

choose your image

Alfred R.

I learned so much about my own soul's path and what has been blocking me from reaching my desired outcomes.

I just had an akashic records reading regarding the work associated with my purpose and it was incredibly powerful. I learned so much about my own soul's path and what has been blocking me from reaching my desired outcomes. The reading resonated with me on such a profound level and validated some things that I felt was true about my calling. She created and held the space for healing in the areas I needed it most. I highly recommend her!!

choose your image

Sara D.

Kay helped me to find clarity in ways that surprised me.

Kay is incredible at what she does. She helped me to find clarity in ways that surprised me. Her unique abilities and skills allow her to provide value far beyond what most would expect. If you are looking for someone to help you gain clarity on your life or move forward your business…you really should talk with Kay!

choose your image

Jeremy M.

This Program Is For You If...

You feel a strong inner calling to work with the Akashic Records, eager to explore their profound potential.
You desire to elevate your consciousness, honing your intuition and channeling abilities for spiritual growth.
Unveiling the depths of your soul excites you; you long to discover your soul's origin and purpose.
You seek a powerful tool that will positively transform your life, opening up new horizons of growth and expansion.
Deep healing is essential for you, and you want profound emotional and spiritual transformation.
You dream of designing your life according to your own terms, aligning it with joy and fulfillment.
You've tried various approaches to healing and manifestation without much success, and now you're ready to explore your Akashic Records and unique soul's blueprint for guidance and direction.
You're eager to embrace your gifts, ready to walk the higher path, and explore the infinite possibilities that await you.
The answers to your burning questions have eluded you, and you crave clear insights and guidance to pave the way forward.

If you resonate with any of these aspirations, then this program is the transformative journey you've been searching for. Unleash the power of the Akashic Records, embrace your true potential, and embark on a profound path of self-discovery and empowerment. The answers and guidance you've been seeking await you. Are you ready to embark on this life-changing adventure?

Meet Your Akashic Record Guide:

Hi there beautiful soul!

I am so excited you are here! I know you have been guided to this page because a part of you feels the call to explore working with the Akashic Records.

I’m Kay, Divine Messenger, Celestial Healer and Akashic Record Guide, with a UNIQUE approach to helping Awakening Souls, AWAKEN to the truth of who they are so they can STEP INTO THEIR POWER and EMBRACE ALL of who they are, and create the Fulfillment, the Abundance, & the Freedom they desire... all while living their life on purpose!

I was guided to the Akashic Records back in 2016 as I had been searching for answers, direction and greater meaning in my life. During that time, I was utterly stuck in my life, my business, and didn't even know who I was anymore.

My spiritual awakening journey started at the beginning of 2016 which caused my entire life to almost fall apart. It was not until I was guided to learn about the Akashic Records, and then become a certified Akashic Record Guide that my life changed for the better.

First, I worked with my own Records to find answers, guidance and direction, but shortly after, I received the guidance to offer readings to others, who too felt lost in their life, who searched for answers, guidance, and direction.

Now, I use my unique approach of offering guidance through the Akashic Records and Clairvoyant Guidance, as well as Healing and Mentorship to help awakening souls receive the guidance they seek, to help them find their path in life, uncover their souls purpose and mission in this lifetime. As well as assist them through deep inner healing to help them release the deep-rooted blocks, past life karma, soul contracts, and other emotional wounds that are holding them back from being all that they can be and even more.

Through the work I get to do I have helped many find their path in life, heal deeply, uncovered and stepped into their souls purpose and mission in this lifetime.... but most of all, they were able to awaken more fully, step into their own inner power and create a life they never thought possible.

But it didn’t stop there, after years of working with awakening souls through offering readings, I felt the call and the nudge to start teaching others how to access and work with their very own Akashic Records to transform their own life.

That is when the Akashic Alchemist Program came about.

When I received the guidance to create this powerful program, I knew it would change peoples lives, just as much as working with my very own Akashic Records has changed my life.

I poured all my wisdom and knowledge of working with the Akashic Records, and my heart into creating this exciting, powerful, and life transformative program, and I am so very honored and excited to present the Akashic Alchemist Program to you!

Bonuses Included In This Program

You are meant to tap into your inner power and live a more empowered, fulfilling and abundant life, and this program and all that is included will assist you to do just that and even more!

A large library of Light Language Healing & Activation Meditations, to assist you in developing your gifts, connecting with the Akashic Records, and stepping into your power. 

Whether it is to help you activate your intuitive senses, or to heal past life trauma, inner child healing, or to activate you to align yourself to greater levels of abundance, wealth, prosperity and freedom. 

Bonus 1 - Awakening The Oracle Within

The Awakening The Oracle Within Program guides you through the mystical world of psychic senses, introducing and developing the four ‘clairs’ – clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and clairsentience. This journey is about awakening the full spectrum of your psychic potential, enriching your life with deeper insights and a more intuitive understanding of the world around you.

Bonus 2 - Awaken To Your Inner Badass Self

The Awaken To Your Inner Badass Self 5-Day Program will give you the tools you need, that will help you to not only uncover your true soul desires, but also help you fully step into your power, and CHOOSE YOU and your SOUL Desires over any fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back up until now.

Bonus 3 - Unlock Your Souls Blueprint

The Unlock Your Souls Blueprint 5-Day Challenge will allow you to tap into your unique souls blueprint & create the life your soul desires.

Once you have learned how to tap into your souls blueprint, life will become easier as you will be in complete alignment with how your soul is meant to go about creating success, abundance, freedom, and anything else your soul desires, in the most aligned and fun ways.

Master The Akashic Records And Unleash Your Intuitive Abilities To Transform Yourself & Your Life

The One Investment That Will Give You A Lifetime Of Change & Transformation

Unlock the Power of Transformation with the Akashic Alchemist Program!

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey like no other. The Akashic Alchemist Program is the most comprehensive, practical, and in-depth training, equipping you with all the essential knowledge to not only access your Akashic Records but also effectively work with them to transform your life.

Each and every training session is filled with transformative insights, valuable knowledge, and practical tools. You'll be empowered to apply these teachings immediately, witnessing real and impactful changes in both yourself and your life.

Experiencing this transformation is simple. Just listen to the powerful training lessons, engage with the exercises provided in each session, and embrace an open mind to receive the profound insights and guidance that await you.

When you put your focus and intention into doing this work, and uncover what you have yet allowed yourself to uncover, change is inevitable, growth WILL happen, and you WILL transform in ways you never thought possible.

Here's How The Program Works: You will have immediate access to the training lessons and the bonuses. I recommended to go one lesson at a time, one day at a time. This will give you the time for the exercises and to go deeper with the lessons. Each lesson is filled with actionable steps that will guide you on how to effectively work with the Akashic Records for self-discovery, self-healing and to elevate yourself and your life.

the akashic alchemist

$997 Regular


Or 4 easy payments of $149

Lifetime access to the entire program
Kay's support in a private community
Channeled activations to expand your consciousness
The Bonuses:
- Awakening The Oracle Within Program
- Unlock Your Souls Blueprint 5-Day Program
- The Awaken Your Inner Badass Self 5-Day Program


The Akashic Alchemist & Activate Your Inner Light Language Program

$997 Regular


Or choose the Easy Monthly Payment Plan of $149 per months for 6 months

Get the Akashic Alchemist & Activate Your Inner Light Language Program Super Bundle.

When combining the Akashic Records with Light Language you will experience an immense inner transformation, and an acceleration with your ascension and intuitive/psychic gifts.

Click here to explore the Activate Your Inner Light Language Program.

Get everything listed for the
Akashic Alchemist Program as well as the Activate Your Inner Light Language Program.

PLUS, to remove any lingering doubts, here is your…

100% Money Back Guarantee

I truly believe that this powerful Program WILL change your life for the better, and that you'll LOVE this program. If you go through the lessons, and you do the exercises you should start seeing shifts and positive changes within yourself and your life very quickly.

However, in case you are not absolutely happy with this program. If I can't change your life for the better, then I don't want your money.

So let's make a deal. If you are not absolutely happy with this program, I will give you a 100% risk-free, no-questions-asked 7 day money back guarantee...

IF you promise to give this program a real chance by going through the lessons AND to do the exercises.

When you invest in the Akashic Alchemist Program today, you will get instant access to the lessons and bonuses so you can get started right away.

Get started with the program and if you don't start seeing shifts, and positive changes in yourself and your life in the first 7 days, just send me an email and I will happily refund your money.

No questions asked!

However, I do want to ask you to really give this program a chance to change your life.

You have to do the work in order to get lasing results. I can't guarantee that you will do the work. All I can guarantee is that if you DO do the work, then this program WILL work for you.

That is my promise to you!

There is So Much more possible for you than you would have ever thought possible Or Even Imagined

Frequently Asked Questions

I have never worked with the Akashic Records before. Is this course for me?

If you have never worked with the Akashic Records before, not to worry. The program is designed to assist anyone, at any level to start working with their own Akashic Records. If you feel called to work with the Akashic Records then I am certain you will not have any troubles working with your own records. 

This program will teach you everything you need to know to confidently and effectively access your records, and work with your records to receive clear and accurate guidance, healing, and insights. 

I am already working with the Akashic Records, will this program still help me?

I believe that this program can still help you even if you have been working with the Akashic Records. There are many areas this program focuses on from self-discovery to inner healing, and then there are also the more advanced topics as well.

I also teach a different way of working with the Akashic Records so there will most certainly be new things that you will be learning. And you always have the 7-Day money back guarantee so if you feel that this program is too basic for you, you can always request a refund.

Can I really access the Akashic Records? I have tried guided meditation before but nothing happened?

Of course! In this program you will receive a powerful access prayer that will allow you to open and access your Akashic Records. This is an active and conscious approach to working with the Akashic Records. Guided meditations is more so a passive approach where your mind can drift off, you may even fall asleep, which is not something you want to be doing when entering the Akashic Records.

But yes, you will be able to access your Akashic Records with the process you will learn in this program. The only obstacle you then may have to overcome is your ego, which might be blocking you from receiving guidance. But not to worry, I will also teach you and give you different tools to help you overcome your ego and open yourself up to receiving clear and accurate guidance.

The Light Language Activations that are included in this program will also help you in making the energetic connection to the Akashic Records as well as overcome your ego. You will receive all the help and support you need to make this process work for you. I promise!

Do I need to have psychic abilities to access and work with the Akashic Records?

No you don't need to have psychic abilities to access your records. The Akashic Records are YOUR souls library of all lifetimes so you already have access to it! You just have forgotten how to enter your souls library.

This program is designed for anyone who wants to learn to work with the Akashic Records, no matter if they have any psychic gifts, intuitive abilities, or are able to channel. throughout this program you will learn how to easily access your records and receive clear and accurate guidance.

This will then also help you develop your intuitive and even psychic abilities. So no worries if you don't yet have any abilities, it will come the more you work with the Akashic Records.

 How do I know if the Akashic Alchemist Program is truly for me?

Here's what I know to be true... You already know!

Deep down you already know the answer to this question. You were led to this program for a reason. Maybe you have felt the nudge, the desire to learn more about the Akashic Records, or even learn to access your very own records for some time, or perhaps this is a recent discovery.

No matter what led you to explore this program, this was a nudge from soul that this is what you are meant to be doing!

Trust your souls guidance and it will be the best decision you could have ever made.

What happens when I sign up?

As soon as you sign up, you will receive a welcome email with the link to access the member dashboard. But you also should see a link to click that will take you directly to the course right after your purchase was confirmed.

If for whatever reason you don't receive the welcome email, or see the link to access the program, please contact me at info@kaysanders.com

What if I get off track?

No worries! There is no right or wrong way to go through this program.

As long as you do something to move forward. This program is designed to go at your own pace. If it gets too much for you then follow your inner guidance and take a brake.

Sometimes you may need time to integrate after working within your Akashic Records, especially during the self-healing section of the program. As long as you get back to it as soon as you feel ready. However, you don't want to wait too long either. The key to working with the Akashic Records is to practice, to strengthen your connection and your ability to receive guidance.

The longer you wait in between working with your records, the harder it will be to develop that strong connection and to continuously receive clear and accurate guidance.

What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

I want you to be able to experience the Akashic Alchemist Program without taking any risk. In the unlikely event that you don't love the program, you have nothing to fear.

I am so confident that you are going to love this program and the results you can achieve as you apply what you learn and experience the powerful transformation that is possible when you start working with the Akashic Records, that I am willing to give you a 100% money back guarantee.

All I ask in return is that you give this program a real try, go through one lesson a day, or less if you are too busy, and do the exercises outlined for each lesson to start working with your Akashic Records.

If at the end of the 7 days you are not satisfied with the program, simply email me at info@kaysanders.com and I will gladly refund your investment.

I offer this guarantee to give you peace of mind, and to make it easier for you to take that leap of faith.

I'm very busy and don't have much time. How much time is required of me to go through this program?

This program is designed to be self paced. You can take as much or as little time to go through the lessons.

Of course, you get what you put into this program. But I understand that life is busy, and that you have other responsibilities, which is why you have lifetime access to this program, where you can come back at any time to go through the lessons.

Even participating and connecting inside the community is absolutely optional.

Also, the lessons are designed to be taken one at a time because there are exercises for you to complete, and you may also need time to integrate the healing you receive while working inside your Akashic Records.

Have more questions? I am here to help!

Email info@kaysanders.com and I will be in touch soon.

© Copyright 2024 Kay Sanders Coaching.  All Rights Reserved.


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